Amend the list using the arrow and space keys. To alter the Trusted Services, tab to the "Customize" button and press the return key. Use the space bar to toggle the setting, the tab key to navigate between buttons and the return key to click them. Running the system-config-firewall-tui command from the command line produces the top-level screen, allowing you to enable/disable the firewall. If it is not already present, it can be installed using the following command. The TUI utility is similar to the GUI utility shown above, but it feels incredibly clumsy in comparison. The "Other Ports" section allows you to open ports that are not covered in the "Trusted Services" section. You can also configure basic trusted services, such as SSH, FTP and HTTP, by putting a tick in the appropriate checkbox and clicking the "Apply" button on the toolbar. Once started, the toolbar provides buttons to allow the firewall to be enabled/disabled. The GUI screen to control the firewall is available from the menu (System > Administration > Firewall) or can be started from the command line using the system-config-firewall command. # chkconfig iptables off system-config-firewall To disable the firewall, run the following commands. Make sure the service is started and will auto-start on reboot. In this article we will only consider the IP4 settings.

If you need to manually install it, the following commands will install the IP4 and IP6 firewall functionality. Most installations will include the firewall functionality. Linux Firewall (firewalld, firewall-cmd, firewall-config).

Remember, the exams are hands-on, so it doesn't matter which method you use to achieve the result, so long as the end product is correct. Extra information is required for the RHCE EX300 certification exam, which will be supplied by another article. This article covers basic Linux firewall management, with specific reference to the information needed for the RHCSA EX200 certification exam. Home » Articles » Linux » Here Linux Firewall (iptables, system-config-firewall)